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Mastic tears



100% pure, natural gum mastic of Chios.

Mastic has important medicinal and pharmaceutical properties, most of which have been known since antiquity. In medicine, it is used to treat high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, bronchitis and stomachache. It is also used in the production of surgical threads. In pharmaceuticals, it has been used in vitamin manufacture. It has also been used in dentistry, the cosmetics industry, distilleries etc.  


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100% pure, natural gum mastic of Chios.

Chios Mastiha is the name of a resinous sap produced from the mastic tree (Pistacia Lentiscus var. Chia). It is a natural, aromatic resin in teardrop shape, falling on the ground in drops from superficial scratches induced by cultivators on the tree’s trunk and main branches with sharp tools. 

As it sapped from the tree trunk it forms into "tears".

As it drips, this sap appears as a sticky and translucent liquid which, 15-20 days later, is solidified into irregular shapes influenced by the area’s weather conditions in summertime, that is intense drought and sunlight. 

After being solidified, it has a crystal form, while its rather bitter taste quickly subsides to leave a distinctive aroma that really makes it unique. That solid product is then harvested and washed by mastic growers, giving us finally the natural Chios mastiha. 

Its colour is initially ivory-like but as time goes by, that shade is lost and 12 to 18 months later it changes into yellowish due to oxidation. It is made of hundreds of components, among which only 80 are contained in identifiable quantities. Such multitude probably justifies the multiple uses of Chios mastiha, in the fields of food industry, health and cosmetic care, worldwide. 

The mastic tree is an evergreen bush 1,5-3,5m tall. It has an irregular shaped trunk (light grey when young and grey-reddish when older) with a lot of branches. Its scientific name is "Pistacia Lentiscus var. Chia" The mastic tree lives about a hundred years and is fully grown after about 40-50 years. It starts giving its resin (mastic) from 5-6 years old. After about 15 years, produces from 60 to 200 grams and in very exceptional cases up to 400 grams of mastic.

Mastic tree thrives and gives mastic only in the south part of the island of Chios and nowhere else in the world. According to theories it only gives mastic there, due to under water volcanoes, the mild and dry climate and the lime consisting soil which has high drainage properties.

The preparation of the mastic tree and collection of mastic is a laborious job that starts at the beginning of June, and is carried on until December.

From ancient times mastic has been used as a natural medicine. A leaf fossil from a mastic tree has been found dating six million years. Mastic oil and other sub products are produced from mastic and are they used widely in medicine, pharmaceutical industry, dentistry, and industry in general. e Mastiha is used as a natural and hygienic chewing gum, excellent for teeth cleaning and traditionally used as medicine for stomach ache, stomach ulcer, diabetes, cholesterol etc. Recently mastic is used again in pharmaceutical industry for the therapy of stomach ulcer and general stomach disorders. In recent years, university researchers have provided the scientific evidence for the medicinal properties of mastic.

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